Jeevan Shakti Gold Capsule:

Description: It is a multivitamin ,mineral and antioxidant capsule.It is a very effective ayurvedic formula for removing physical weakness by providing all the necessary multivitamins and minerals to the body naturally.

It is very effective for under nourished and under weight people as it improves appetite and cures digestive disorders.

Key aspects: Contains:
a) Ashwagandha:Removes day to day stress ,treats anxiety and depression, has protective action on human nervous system, powerful antioxidant.
b) Satavri:Supports normal functioning of immune system and digestive system.Acts as nutritive tonic , rejuvenative. Best known as female rejuvenative.
c) Shankh Pushpi: Acts as prominent memory improving herb.Acts as brain tonic.
d) Kaunch Beej: Useful in increasing muscle mass. Helps to gain weight.Used to increase vigor and vitality in male and female both.
e) Shilajit:Acts and good source of mineral, antiaging,rich source of iron thus prevents anaemia.

Packaging: Each box of jeevan shakti gold capsule contains 30 capsules.

Ashwa-Shakti Capsule:

Description: It is a very effective capsule formulation that controls day to day stress.It improves physical stamina,mental alertness , body alertness and acts as a antioxidant.

Key aspects: Aswa Shakti contains pure ahwagandha extract which is known as an exotic Indian herb that has an exceptional stress-relieving component than those other powerful drugs that are used to treat anxiety and depression. Ashwagandha brings excellent protective effects on human’s nervous system. One of the many Ashwagandha Benefits is that it has powerful antioxidant components that helps seek and destroy free radicals that can be found in numerous disease states like aging.

Packaging: Each box contains 30 Ashwa shakti capsules.

Chandra’s EVITA :

Description: We offer natural Vitamin E capsule (wheat germ oil) softgel capsule These softgels are excellent source of natural vitamin E and act as very good antioxidant and promote healthy skin and boost immunity.

Packaging: Bottle packing of 60 softgel.

Chandra’s Flaxomega :

Description: We offer Flaxomega softgel capsules which are excellent source of natural omega 3 fatty acid. These softgels are also excellent source of omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acid. These softgel contains flaxseed oil which is a excellent source of natural omega 3 -6-9 faty acid.These softgel also provide excellent anti inflammatory action.

Packaging: Bottle packing of 60 softgel

Chandra’s Kalmax’ :

Description: We offer Kalmax softgel capsule which contains kalonji oil which is recognised in ancient ayurveda for treating large number of health problems..These capsules are helpful in treating various health problems like painful joints, inflammation, gastric and indigestion problems.

Packaging: Bottle packing of 60 softgel.

Chandra’s Garlic Soft Capsule :

Description: We offer garlic capsule in soft gelatine dosage form These capsules have cardiovascular benefits and act as antiseptic.

Packing : 200 capsules bottle pack.

Chandra’s Shilajit Gold Capsules :

Description: We offer shilajit capsules in soft gelatine capsule dosage form. These capsules are enriched with shuddh shilajit extract, swarna makshik and ashwagandha extract. Chandra Shilajit gold capsules help in increasing vigor and vitality and removing weakness.

Packaging: Blister packing of 30 softgels.